How an OMS can support sustainable commerce goals
4 min

How an OMS can support sustainable commerce goals

As sustainable commerce becomes increasingly important, OneStock’s Order Management System (OMS) provides brands with sustainable solutions to align business objectives with wider environmental goals.

The environmental impact of poor order management

Recent research from Deloitte’s #GetOutInFront initiative reveals that a staggering 65% of consumers expect CEOs to take substantial actions to reduce carbon emissions, tackle air pollution and make supply chains more sustainable.

This surge in consumer awareness places a significant responsibility on businesses to meet these expectations. Consumers are not merely looking for products and services; they are seeking brands that demonstrate a genuine commitment to reducing their environmental footprint.

The repercussions of inefficient order management practices extend beyond the realm of operational challenges, transcending into severe consequences for the planet. This includes increased waste, heightened carbon emissions and a substantial negative impact on ecosystems. From overstock situations to inefficient shipping routes, poor order management practices contribute to the depletion of natural resources and the exacerbation of climate change.

The interconnected nature of global supply chains further intensifies these consequences. Inefficient practices amplify the need for raw materials, energy consumption and transportation, leading to an alarming escalation in environmental degradation. As consumers become more environmentally conscious, businesses must recognise the urgent need to adopt sustainable solutions.

OneStock’s commitment: orchestrating sustainability

The OneStock Order Management System (OMS) is strategically designed to address the challenges posed by poor order management practices, offering comprehensive solutions that align with sustainability goals.

  • Reducing waste through effective inventory management: OneStock provides real-time visibility on each sales channel to optimise stock levels and avoid overstock situations that lead to waste. Intelligent order orchestration and Ship from Store capabilities further enhance stock optimisation by directing orders to stores with slower sell-through, ensuring every item’s potential to sell is maximised.
  • Reducing carbon emissions through intelligent order orchestration: Transportation plays a significant role in a company’s carbon footprint. OneStock’s OMS is meticulously crafted to optimise order fulfilment, consolidating orders and minimising mileage. By shipping from stores rather than centralised warehouses, businesses can minimise the distance orders travel and enable eco-friendly last-mile fulfilment options, translating to lower fuel consumption and a substantial reduction in carbon footprint.
  • Encouraging greener choices through informed decisions: OneStock goes beyond traditional order management by promoting greener choices. The system provides transparency at checkout by displaying the carbon emissions associated with each fulfilment method. This enables consumers to make informed decisions, comparing the environmental impact of options like same-day home delivery with more eco-friendly alternatives such as Click and Collect.

Spotlight on second-hand & the circular economy

The second-hand market is experiencing an unprecedented surge, driven by changing consumer preferences, increased awareness of environmental issues and a desire for more sustainable consumption. According to ThredUp’s 2022 Resale Report, the global second-hand apparel market is expected to grow three times faster than the overall apparel market. This trend extends beyond fashion.

This shift in consumer behaviour reflects a broader movement towards conscious and responsible consumption. Brands that acknowledge and adapt to this trend not only cater to evolving customer preferences but also contribute significantly to reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing and consumption.

Recognising the imperative for retailers to embrace the circular economy, OneStock has positioned itself as a trailblazer in providing solutions that seamlessly integrate new, rental and pre-loved products into the supply chain. Going beyond the traditional linear approach to production and consumption, this model emphasises sustainability by promoting the reuse, refurbishment and recycling of products.

OneStock’s OMS plays a pivotal role in orchestrating orders containing both new and second-hand products. By unifying stock images for both categories, the OMS enables retailers to offer a diverse range of products while maintaining efficient fulfilment processes. This not only caters to the growing demand for sustainable shopping but also aligns with the broader goal of achieving a more circular and responsible economy.

OneStock OMS emerges as a catalyst for retailers looking to navigate the complexities of the evolving retail landscape while making a positive impact on the environment. OneStock empowers brands to embrace sustainability without compromising operational efficiency, providing innovative solutions that align with the environmental expectations of today’s conscious consumers.

Find out more about how OneStock supports sustainable commerce here.

Further reading