4 min

2 flagship features of OneStock Order Management System’s back office

Whether it’s to create true complementarity between sales channels or automate omnichannel order processing, the OneStock Order Management System (OMS) supports businesses on a daily basis. Its back office application provides tools and analysis to optimise a brand’s omnichannel strategy, with two key features: order orchestration and the BI Suite.

A closer look at order orchestration in OneStock’s back office

OneStock OMS relies on two key functionalities: stock unification and order orchestration. The latter involves defining sets of rules to determine the most suitable logistical path to source the stock for each type of order.

The Order Management System back office features a dedicated section for order orchestration, making it easy to preview and update the rules:

Each set of rules is constructed using AND and OR filters:

The rules are organised into ‘sets’ or groups of rules. Each set can be modified to allow brands to prioritise or rank the rules for a cascading flow. If the first rule cannot be applied, the second one is considered, and so on, until the appropriate rule is found:

Order orchestration and the implementation of rule sets offer numerous advantages, including:

  • Reduction of delivery times and costs: The OMS and the omnichannel Ship from Store solution prioritise stores closer to the end customer to reduce delivery times and associated logistics costs.
  • Split management: Specific rules enable the control of the number of parcels per order by adapting to stock locations and availabilities. Prices can also be a criterion for split management. Limiting the number of splits improves processing times and reduces logistics costs.
  • Decreased environmental impact from deliveries: By reducing the distances between the stock used and the customer’s address, businesses decrease the carbon footprint associated with deliveries.

A closer look at the BI Suite in OneStock Order Management System’s back office

The Order Management System back office also includes a dedicated tab for reporting and strategic management through the BI Suite, our business intelligence module:

To simplify analyses, the data is categorised and subcategorised:

The information shared by the BI Suite allows the identification of potential areas for improvement and the adaptation of orchestration rules accordingly. For instance, in this dedicated report on cancellation reasons, most cancellations are related to warehouse orders. In this situation, it would be necessary to review warehouse preparation processes and ensure compliance to reduce the cancellation rate.

Petit Bateau, a giant in the French fashion industry, shared their thoughts on the OneStock BI Suite:

“We are not hesitant today to make decisions to change things and test new approaches, knowing that we can quickly analyse the impact of these strategic changes.”

Hafid Idoufkir, Stock and Procurement Manager, Petit Bateau.

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Further reading